Patches & Pins

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Does not apply to 'XL size' patches.

Original "Fuck Off" enamel lapel pin in black and gold from No Fun®.
The "Farting Frog" Patch by No Fun®.  Patch is blue with white boarder.  There is a green cartoon frog in the center of the patch with a silly expression.  His tongue is out, and there is a fart cloud emanating from the frogs butt.
The "Devil" Patch by No Fun®.  Patch is a white oval with a red border.  There is a red devil in the center that has yellow horns and green shorts.  The devil is also holding a pitchfork.
The "Rose" Patch by No Fun®.  Patch is white, with a red border and is an oval shape.  There is a cartoon rose found in the center of the patch.  There are 3 red drips emanating from the roses stem.
The "Angry Flower" Patch by "No Fun®.  The patch is white, with a red boarder, and is in the shape of an oval.  There is a yellow cartoon flower in the center of the patch.  It has an angry face and two green leaves.
"Butterfly" Patch by No Fun®.  The patch is white with a red edge, in an oval shape.  There is a multi coloured butterfly in the center.
The "Sword" Patch by No Fun®.  Patch is white with a red boarder, in an oval shape.  There is a multi-coloured sword in the center of the oval, that is designed to look as if it has pierced through the center of the patch.
The "Black Widow" Patch by No Fun®.  Patch is white, with a read boarder in the shape of a tombstone. There is a cartoon Black Widow spider design in the center of the patch.
Official "NO FUN®" patch which reads "LIFE IS HELL". The patch features white, embroidered text with a red embroidered edge.
The XL Size "Wacky Wavy" Back Patch by No Fun®.  Animation flashes through all the available colours in the following order: Red, Blue, Black, Holographic
No Fun Press - original "yin yang bunny" embroidered iron-on patch